Precautions and Mitigation Strategies the Monroe Housing Commission is Implementing for COVID-19

UPDATE 3/16/2020

The Monroe Housing Commission’s apartments are independent living apartments.  At this point we are asking outside visitors to restrict their visits. No overnight guests can stay until further notice.  We are taking the following precautions:

    1. All exterior doors at Monroe Housing Commission  will be posted with a notice encouraging visitors to self-evaluate if they need to or should visit our residents.  NO CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18 WILL BE PERMITTED IN THE BUILDING. (High Rise Only)
    2. All resident gatherings, after March 15th, are canceled including bingo, resident meetings, movie night, and all social activities. The Public Bathroom will be closed. 
    3. If a resident is helping others by babysitting children while schools are closed, we are asking the residents to babysit the children at the children’s home and not bring them to Monroe Housing Commission.  No children under 18 will be permitted in the building. (High Rise Only)
    4. Maintenance staff will be performing emergency work orders only.  Residents are encouraged to continue to call work orders into the office, however non-emergency work orders will be held until after the outbreak.  Emergency work includes no heat, plumbing issues, refrigerator or stove not working at all, no electricity. Before a maintenance person enters your unit we will ask if you or anyone in your household is sick. If a maintenance person enters your unit we ask that there is a 6 foot separation between residents and staff.
    5. Laundry room will remain operational, but we are asking residents to not sit in the laundry room while washing or drying clothes. (High Rise Only)
    6. All paperwork and rent checks must be placed in the Rent Dropbox.  There will be no meetings with residents regarding annual paperwork.  Discussions will take place by phone and paperwork will be mailed, emailed or placed on your door.
    7. For the latest accurate information on the COVID-19 outbreak in Michigan.  Also visit for accurate up-to-date information.
    8. Office Hours: *Monday-Thursday 8:30-12 ONLY* WE will be closed on Friday’s. We recommend calling the front desk if you have any questions, rather than coming out of your apartment. Office number, 734-242-5880
    9. If you call and nobody answers, leave a message with the     answering service. If this is an emergency, make sure you state the reason you are calling. If it’s no heat, no water, or other emergency issues, let the service know, otherwise it could delay the repair.

This list is based on recommendations from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Interim Recommendations for COVID-19 Community Mitigation Strategies, March 11, 2020.   

Additional protocols will be implemented when an outbreak reaches our area.